It is with regret that we must postpone delivery of our services, though we have learned an immense amount about Craniocervical Junction (CCJ) injuries & Instability (CCI) from our lead practitioner being injured in this way! We will continue to be of great help in this uncommonly understood condition in the future.
Due to poor treatment & medical misinformation in the initial & mid-term seeking of recovery, it was not understood that what had occurred was a much more serious injury than was communicated by her healthcare team. Recovery has been rendered quite slow.
Please understand the following as pertinent to future treatment. Feel free to reach out if you believe you suffer from the same! We may likely have to respond via voice note, as extended conversation is not often possible, & must be clear that while informed by my profession, such information given must be understood to come from my capacity as a private citizen.
Relieve pain & tension, effectively, or bask in Hot Stone, Aroma & other Hydrotherapy applications & deep relaxation, with a therapist devoted to you, not a busy spa schedule.
Or how about both? I like to do feel-good work that has the benefits of both Sports/Medical/Deep Tissue Massage, & Intuitive, Relaxing, Energetic Bodywork, without the pain you might expect from deep tissue. While pure Relaxation Massage can lack the depth to make real change, bodywork with a total focus on attacking problem areas can be so painful it tells the body to hold back. The absolute comfort of deep relaxation is the place where the body knows it can stay and heal, where the adrenals that maintain patterns of tension stop production, instead of reactivating through painful techniques your body braces against all over again. I call my practice 3 Moons because I see bodywork from a 3-fold core foundation, made up of the Anatomical know-how of Western Science, thousands of years of testing the efficacy of practice that’s given rise to the Knowledge & many modalities practiced today (which is also Science – just from a different point-of-view!), and the Intuition that found them that, thru wellness, saves, not existences perhaps, but lives, full of the well-being that living requires; for we are not truly living if we are not well.
For those who like to read more before making a decision, please do on my Techniques page – I believe an understanding of healing makes it more effective, & I love talking about massage almost as much as I love doing it.
May you be well, and may we make you even better,
See you soon,
Alexandra Myers, LMT 13978
3 Moons Massage